Grevena Kozani Geopark “Tethys” is one of the 6 recognized Geoparks in Greece that have been included in the map of UNESCO World Geoparks. It is an area with a discreet geological heritage and hosts an impressive number of geo-sites that are famous for their rarity, scientific and educational value but also for their enchanting beauty.
The Geopark covers an area of 2,486 km² with the longest river of Greece, the Aliakmonas, flowing through it.
“Travellers can visit more than 250 famous geo-sites. Among them they can visit the Portitsa Gorge, Vasilitsa, Valia Calda, Vounasa, Bouharia and the excavation site of prehistoric elephants.”
Its geology includes rock formations dating back about a billion years to the present day, documenting several plate tectonic events, including the birth of the Tithyos Ocean and the emergence of Europe as a distinct continental mass.
The area in the Geopark of Grevena Kozani includes definite areas of the ocean of Tethys. In particular, visitors have the opportunity to see up close:
“Tethys was the mother of all the waters of the world. In the geological world, millions of years ago, there was only one super-continent on our planet, the Pangea. The tectonic disintegration of Paggaia created a closed ocean called “Tethys” that stretched from the coasts of present-day England to the shores of China. The significance of this ocean is that it geologically determines the birth of Europe, whose heart is here in Western Macedonia. The area in our Geopark includes the final areas of the Tethys Ocean.”
UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Their bottom-up approach of combining conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities is becoming increasingly popular. At present, there are 169 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 44 countries.
It was founded in June 2000. The Network was set up by 4 bodies that manage areas of particular geological interest from France, Spain, Germany and Greece. Today it has 64 areas in 22 countries.
Apart from the Grevena & Kozani Geopark, in Greece there are 5 other remarkable geoparks. The list in detail:
Grevena Information Center (by appointment only), 1km Grevena Kozani, 51100
Mavranaioi Information Center (by appointment only)
Email: Geowonders@gmail.com
Facebook: Geowonders of Greece
Website: https://www.geoparkgrevenakozani.com/
Contact telephone numbers: