Wolf Lynx Western Macedonia

The reduction of biodiversity as well as the extinction of various species of fauna is one of the most important problems of our planet. In Greece, despite the existence of several habitats and protected areas, there are several animals that are on the list of endangered species. Among them are included the Wolf and the Eurasian Lynx. The later one is not found in our country in recent years and it is not sure if it is already extinct.

Καταφύγιο Λύκου Αγραπιδιές


The environmental organization of Arcturus, apart from the Brown Bear Shelter in Nymfaio, operates a few kilometers away and the Wolf Shelter (now a wolf and lynx shelter) in Agrapidies of Amyntaio Municipality.

The center was originally created to put an end to the illegal possession of  wolves. In a specially secured section of a natural oak forest, covering an area of 70 acres, are housed all wolves that Arcturos managed to protect. You may not see them easily, but they will have smelled you from afar!

Καταφύγιο Λύκου Αγραπιδιές

Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)

The last addition to the shelter was made recently and it was three Eurasian lynxes and four wolves from Andorra’s Natural Park.

The park functioned for years as a winter resort and zoo. Before shutting down the zoo, the direction looked for other shelters or zoos that could host the animals. Through the European network EARS, a founding member of which is Arcturos, it was decided to host the animals on its premises.



This magnificent feline, whose image is reminiscent of a tiger, is an extremely rare species, which unfortunately has not been found in Greece for many years, while the few sightings of it are not reliable.

Καταφύγιο Αρκούδας © Οδ. Χλωρίδης/Αρκτούρος

It worth visiting the Brown Bear Shelter in Nymfaio© Οδ. Χλωρίδης/Αρκτούρος


  • The shelter is open every weekend from 10.00 until 16.30.
  • Guided tours take place every hour. The last one takes place at 16:30.
  • Admission: € 6 for adults and children over 12 years. € 4 for children 3-12 years old. Free entrance for children up to 3 years old.
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Contact phone 23860-41500
  • Webpage:


Source: Arcturos
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